The Little Blue Heron is a small wading bird species. Little Blue Herons have a grayish-blue body and a dark red head during breeding, and a purplish head and neck during non-breeding periods.
Little Blue Herons: State Threatened
In the past it was hunted for its feathers which were used to make hats. The current threats to the Little Blue Heron are not well understood. But the biggest threat to this species is probably the loss of freshwater wetlands and coastal development. It is threatened in parts of its range because it is illegally shot at fish-rearing facilities. It is also threatened by contamination from heavy metals and pesticides when it forages in planted fields. Other threats may include disturbance at foraging and breeding sites, environmental issues, less prey, predators, and infection by parasites. It may also be threatened by competition from the exotic cattle egret, this bird being more aggressive than the other herons, being thought to out-compete the little blues for food.
How You Can Help the Little Blue Heron
The Little Blue Heron is protected by the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act and as a State Threatened species by Florida’s Endangered and Threatened Species Rule.
If you want to help protect the Little Blue Heron, you can support conservation efforts by donating to organizations that work to protect birds and their habitats like Brooker Creek Preserve and other animal and environmental protection organizations. You can also help by reducing your use of pesticides and other chemicals that harm birds and their food sources.
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